
Imprint / Legal Notice

Statements according to § 5 TMG (German law):

Responsible operator and publisher of this website:

International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP)
Stiftsgasse 6
53111 Bonn

represented by:

Angela Hoffmeyer
Secretary General

Mobil: +49 (0) 170 800 46 15
E-Mail: angela.hoffmeyer at twohomes.org

Technique / Website:

Torsten Fabricius

Mobil: +49 (0) 178 827 23 83
E-Mail: torsten.fabricius at twohomes.org


Sparkasse KölnBonn Germany

Account Owner:
Internationaler Rat für die
Paritätische Doppelresidenz e.V.

IBAN: DE 1937 0501 9819 3268 7534


paypal at twohomes.org


1 limitation of Liability

Is responsible for this information The publisher / editor of the . The information on this website has been compiled with great care. For the correctness and completeness , no guarantee can be given . For this reason, any liability for any damages in connection with the use of this information is excluded. Mere use of this website no contractual relationship between the user and the provider / publisher is established.

2 Copyright Notice

The entire content of this website is subject to copyright. Unauthorized use, reproduction or copying of the contents or parts of the content is prohibited. For permission to use the content, please contact the publisher.

3 Reference to external links

As far as are set by this website links to other websites , it is noted that no influence on the design and content of linked pages and their contents are not adopted . For linked pages that illegal content when the links were not recognizable . When you become aware of violations, appropriate links will be removed immediately.

Everyone is allowed to put a link or links on this website. However, the operator reserves the right to revoke this permission . Does not allow the presentation of this website in a frame .

4 cookies

So-called cookies are used to manage browser sessions between registered users logging into the website and logging out.

5 Analytics

We use an Open Source analytics tools, to analyze the use of our site with the purpose to improve its content and structure. The analized data are provided by the web browser of the visitors of our website.

6 Privacy Policy

In the non-logged-in (anonymous) use of this website, no personal data is collected .

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Therfore your corresponding Social Software service provider will query data from from our website - if you use Social Software and accept your providers signing requests. For any questions related to the privacy policies of the Social Software you might use - even on our website - please contact your social software provider.

We use the users data only in the manner agreed with the user and as far as they are necessary for the operation of the website and the provision of agreed services . We will not disclose our users private data to third parties unless we are forced by court order to do so.

It is pointed out that data transmission over the Internet (for example when communicating by e -mail) may have security gaps. A complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

7 Unauthorized use of contact data

The use of published contact data on this site by third parties for sending unsolicited advertisements and information materials is hereby expressly excluded . The operators of the pages expressly legal steps in case of unsolicited promotional information, such as spam e - mails.

The disclaimer was created on the basis of a pattern of internetratgeber-recht.de - Rechtsberatung und Rechtsinformationen.

Note to admonishers:

No cease-and-desist order without previous contact!

If the content or design of this site infringe third party rights or statutory provisions, we ask for a message free of charge . We guarantee that complained about will be removed immediately, without the intervention of a lawyer is required on your part.
The cost of a cease-and-desist order without prior contact with us will be rejected in accordance with the duty to mitigate damages as unfounded and it is optionally counter filed suit for violation of said provisions .

To contact both messages without any costs and other complaints , as well as any warnings , please use the email address angela.hoffmeyer at twohomes.org.

Legal Notice

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