ICSP Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) consists of thirteen Members:
• four Directors from the sector of science,
• four Directors from the sector of family professions,
• four Directors from the sector of civil society, and
• the Secretary General.
The ICSP President and the two ICSP Vice-Presidents are Directors from the three different sectors.
- Edward Kruk, President, Canada Science
- Chantal Clot-Grangeat, Vice-President, France Family Professions
- Oliver Hunziker, Vice-President, Switzerland Civil Society
- Malin Bergström, Sweden Science
- Jan Piet H. de Man, Belgium Family Professions
- Ned Holstein, USA Civil Society
- Jesper Lohse, Denmark Civil Society
- Ioannis Paparigopoulos, Greece Family Professions
- Hildegund Sünderhauf, Germany Science
- Peter Tromp, Netherlands Civil Society
- Sofia Marinho Science
- Angela Hoffmeyer, Secretary General, Germany ICSP
Edward Kruk, President, Canada Science
Ph.D Social Policy and Social Work, Associate Professor of Social Work, the University of British Columbia (UBC).
Edward Kruk has been working as a shared parenting scientist and practitioner since 1985. He has degrees in psychology, sociology, and social policy and social work, and has dedicated his professional career to working with children and families, in the arenas of child protection, school social work, medical social work in a children’s hospital, and family services, in both Canada and the United Kingdom. He currently practices as a family mediator, and is Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of British Columbia. He has published extensively, and his latest book is, “The Equal Parent Presumption: Social Justice in the Legal Determination of Parenting After Divorce” (McGill-Queen’s University Press).
Chantal Clot-Grangeat, Vice-President, France Family Professions
Doctor in Psychology, Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapeut.
Chantal Clot-Grangeat had worked for twenty years with children, teenagers and young adults within an institution for disabled people. She had taught child and family psychology for 15 years at University of Savoie includind 9 years as associated professor, In 2004, she works on her thesis about the bond of filiation, Currently, her activity consists in therapies for individual and family, in guidance of professionals groups and in lectures.
Oliver Hunziker, Vice-President, Switzerland Civil Society
IT Consultant.
President of the Swiss ‘Association for Shared Parenting’ (GeCoBi), President of ‘Verantwortungsvoll erziehende Väter und Mütter (VeV) Switzerland (responsibly educating fathers and mothers).
Oliver Hunziker has startet his activity for shared parenting back in 2004 when he joined the board of VeV. He is founder of the swiss umbrella organisation GeCoBi as well as founder of the one and still only house for male victims of domestic violence ‘ZwüscheHalt’.
Today he is mainly working as a lobbyist for parenthood issues. He is one of the leading representants of civil society in family law affairs in Switzerland.
Malin Bergström, Sweden Science
Dr. med., child psychologist and researcher, author.
‘The Elvis project’, ‘CHESS - Centre of Health Equity Studies’, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm University.
Since mid 90ies she worked as a clinical psychologist with families with infants and toddlers in joint physical custody. Malin Bergström is specialized in developmental psychology and wrote two books on this subject. Aswell she is working on pediatric anxiety syndoms.
Since 2011 Malin is involved in ‘The Elvis project’ where the research focus is children’s health and wellbeing in relation to joint physical custody and other living arrangements after a parental divorce.
Jan Piet H. de Man, Belgium Family Professions
Child and Family Psychologist (Lic. Sc. Psycholog.), accredited Family Mediator, researcher.
Founder of the ‘European Institute for the Best Interests of the Children’ (<- Workshop Equal Shared Parenting Time & Nestcare).
Ned Holstein, USA Civil Society
Dr. med., physician and psychologist
Founder and Chair of the Board of the ‘National Parents Organization’ (NPO, USA).
Jesper Lohse, Denmark Civil Society
MBA, Chairman
Jesper Lohse is chairman of the Danish Fathers Association founded in 1977, as one of the first children and father organisations in the world, and is founder of the World Fathers Association. He has analysed the Danish children and family system from a leadership and human rights perspective and often acts as advisor for media and politicians. He has 20 years of working experience as strategic learning consultant for international organisations and is former member of a G8 workgroup on the global marketplace. He is often speaking about the information society and modern family life in work-life balance.
Ioannis Paparigopoulos, Greece Family Professions
President of the Counsel on Shared Parenting - CSP Greece.
Hildegund Sünderhauf, Germany Science
Prof. Dr. jur., professor of law, Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Member of ‘Deutscher Familiengerichtstag’ (DFGT), ‘Deutsche Liga für das Kind’, ‘Deutscher Juristinnenbund’ (DJB), lawyer for family law 1997- 2000, professor for family law and public youth law at ‘Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg’ in Germany since 2000.
Since 2010 Hildegund Sünderhauf researches on shared parenting. She is author of the first german scientific book on psychological, legal and practical aspects of shared partenting (“Wechselmodell: Psychologie - Recht - Praxis”, Springer VS, 2013).
Peter Tromp, Netherlands Civil Society
MSc, academic in educational and child psychology
President of the ‘Dutch Father Knowledge Centre’ / Secretary General of the ‘Platform for European Fathers’ (PEF).
Sofia Marinho Science
Ph.D. in Social Sciences, specialty Sociology. Research fellow at Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon.
She is a researcher at Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa) since 2005, where she has worked on several national and international projects on men, care and masculinities, fatherhood and co-parenting, co-parenting and reproductive intentions, parental leaves, equal parenting, family households and family policies.
Currently, she is developing the research project: “The reconfigurations of co-parenting after conjugal dissolution: dynamics of parental negotiation and public policies of shared parental responsibility”. Her research interests are focus on mothering, fathering and co-parenting in post-divorce/separation families, gender relations in the family, family change and family policies.
She has published several articles and book chapters in Portuguese and international scientific publications. Recently, she has organized a collective book on shared residence: Marinho, S. & Correia, V. S. (2017) Uma família parental, duas casas. Residência alternada – dinâmicas e práticas sociais, Lisboa. Edições Sílabo.
Angela Hoffmeyer, Secretary General, Germany ICSP
Member of the Federal Board of ‘Väteraufbruch für Kinder e. V.’.